Yek shiajsi tik ne itzawalamaw yankwik Ne Bibliaj Tik Nawat! Damos la bienvenida al nuevo sitio web de NBTN. Esperamos que a nuestros amigos y usuarios les gusten los cambios que hemos hecho y que lo encuentren útil, práctico y…
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Yek shiajsi tik ne itzawalamaw yankwik Ne Bibliaj Tik Nawat! Damos la bienvenida al nuevo sitio web de NBTN. Esperamos que a nuestros amigos y usuarios les gusten los cambios que hemos hecho y que lo encuentren útil, práctico y…
An inside glimpse of how a Biblical verse gets translated into Nawat… [2016 note: This piece was written in 2008. The translation of the New Testament into Nawat is now complete and work has begun on the translation from Hebrew…
Target language resources Exploiting the resources of the target language is the second key area in the Bible translation process examined in this series of articles written by the Ne Bibliaj Tik Nawat project translator, Alan King. Research, codification and systematization The start of…
Understanding the source text Understanding the source text is a key issue in any serious attempt at Bible translation. This article, the second in the “Translating the Bible” series by project translator Alan King, looks at some aspects of how the source text of the Gospels…
Introduction Like any other modern Bible translation, the Ne Bibliaj Tik Nawat project aims to make it possible for speakers of a language other than Hebrew or Greek to read or hear the text of the Bible and experience its…
This table shows the letters that are use in Nawat spelling and the pronunciations they represent in the Nawat Bible, in accordance with the spelling system used and recommended by IRIN. Those in parentheses mostly only occur in words borrowed…
While the specific objective of this project is to translate and publish the Bible in Nawat, the project’s team are also aware of and driven by the fact that its work and product will almost inevitably play a significant role in the…